Meet Smarter,
Not Longer

Season 2

This one is for the managers out there—stuck between your out-of-touch director and your whiny direct reports, constantly sucked into the email rabbit hole with back-to-back meetings and no time to get your own work done. The way out of the middle is to create connections; in other words: facilitation. This season is all about improving your everyday meetings, enabling your team to work more effectively and improve your well-being.

Season 2 Playbook

We get it. Who has time to listen to an entire podcast season? Lucky for you, each season of This Meeting Sucks comes with a playbook of all the key tools and tips right at your fingertips.

Each chapter includes content from the podcast, resources from the season, and a visual summary of each episode linked together in one convenient PDF.

Season 1

Just-in-Time Meeting Skills

Get on the same page about what meeting skills are and how to use them. This season breaks down all the essentials you need to facilitate a successful meeting.

Season 3

A Participant’s Guide to
Un-sucking Your Meetings

Most of us spend more time in meetings as a participant than as the leader or facilitator, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play a role in improving our meetings.

Season 4

Meet Your Way to a High-Performing Team

Discover our agendas and templates for improving communication, building relationships, and creating a high-performance culture for success.