Season 4

Meet Your Way to a High-Performing Team

How do you build a high-performing team?
It all starts with how you meet.

This season will walk you through our MeetingMakers Framework with meetings and templates designed to foster trust, align as a team, envision the future, and map a way forward. Learn practical strategies for improving communication, building relationships, and creating a high-performance culture for success.

The MeetingMakers Framework contains six stages designed to support the development of a high-performing team.

  1. Initiating a Team or Project 

  2. Building Trust

  3. Aligning (past, present, customer/user, and process)

  4. Envisioning the Future

  5. Mapping the Way Forward 

  6. Performing and Learning

The Framework is influenced by Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff’s Future Search Model and the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model.

  • EPISODE 1: Meet Your Way to a High-Performing Team—January 27

    EPISODE 2: Initiating Projects or Teams—January 27

    EPISODE 3: Building Trust in Teams—February 24

    EPISODE 4: Aligning on the Past—March 31

    EPISODE 5: Aligning on the Present—April 28

    EPISODE 6: Aligning on Customers—May 27

    EPISODE 7: Aligning on Process—June 30

    BREAK—July and August

    EPISODE 8: Envisioning the Future—September 29

    EPISODE 9: Mapping the Way Forward —October 27

    EPISODE 10: Performing and Learning —November 24

Download our template packages

Season 1

Just-in-Time Meeting Skills

Get on the same page about what meeting skills are and how to use them. This season breaks down all the essentials you need to facilitate a successful meeting.

Season 2

Meet Smarter, Not Longer

For all the managers out there, this season is all about improving your everyday meetings, enabling your team to work more effectively and improve your well-being.

Season 3

A Participant’s Guide to
Un-sucking Your Meetings

Most of us spend more time in meetings as a participant than as the leader or facilitator, but that doesn’t mean we can’t play a role in improving our meetings.